Home Name

Alevi Cultural Centre and Cem-evi


Alevi Cultural Centre caters for the Alevi people living in UK, especially those in Hackney.
Their mission is 'to promote the values of the Alevi culture both within and outside of our community by Networking with groups and organisations that they are aiming to enhance the horizons of their members.
We will strive to improve access for the Turkish and Kurdish speaking communities to welfare services provided by voluntary groups and statutory agencies. We will establish networking opportunities with such service providers and will offer space and support for small community groups and youth clubs.
We will facilitate the provision of recreation and leisure activities for the communities. We will promote, encourage and motivate self-help groups instilling confidence and respect for others and ourselves.
Currently we run the following activities:
- General Advice and Information in English and Turkish languages.
- Drop in Centre and a luncheon club.
- Domestic Violence Support Service
- Supplementary School.
- Drama, Folk Dancing, Music and sports activities
- Space hire and resources for voluntary groups.
- Funeral Services.
- Cem gathering for Alevi people.
- Youth and Parental Support services
Spoken languages: Kurdish and Turkish
Source: http://www.ysn.org.uk/directory/alevi
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