Home Name

Mr Stanislaw Ciuron

Birth date


Death date



Stanislaw Ciuron was born in Slomniki, Poland and came to Hackney in 1999, first living in a hostel. His cousins were living here. He liked Hackney because it was green and reminded him of Poland, although he found it hard when he first came here as everything was new and he could not speak English. "I came here with my children, they were all married here and now I have 5 grandchildren all born in Homerton Hospital. My children both have British and Polish/Roma passports. My dreams have become reality because my children are safe here and have a good future with good opportunities. Around 1985 Roma people came to the UK because of discrimination by skin-heads and fascists for many years and were victims of violence. Here in Hackney everyone can keep their own indentity and traditions".
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