Home Name

Jamdagni, Kidar Singh (Mr)

Birth date


Death date



Kidar Singh Sharma was most likely born in Haryana, in north west India and attended the Hindu High School in Sonipat. He attended the University of Panjab in Lahore, in pre-partition India, followed by an appointment with the Delhi General Post Office (G.P.O). He continued to work for various companies in Delhi. In 1942 he married Srimati (also known as Sri Mati and Murti) Devi Pandit (1927-1993), whose father was living in Clapton. In 1951 Kidar Singh Sharma moved to England and settled in Clapton, with his in-laws. He trained at Cordwainers Technical College College between 1953 and 1956 in pattern cutting and handbag production, and joined the family business, Pandit & Partners, later Pandits & Bros.

Around 1957 Kidar Singh changed the family surname from 'Sharma' to 'Jamdagni', possibly because it was less common and more likely to make an impression than Sharma. After living in Balls Pond Road close to the family business for a number of years, the family moved to Woodford in Redbridge. Kidar Singh kept a record of memorable events in his life, both in a diary and through the paper ephemera he kept.
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