Home Metal Box poster : Metal Box Clapton Closure

Metal Box poster : Metal Box Clapton Closure



Production date

1981 = 1986

Object number


Physical Description

Poster : Metal Box Clapton Closure

Associated Organisation

Associated Place




Height: 754mm
Width: 456mm

On display?



Keep GLC
Working for London

Working for local people

Sponsored by the London Borough of Hackney and the Greater London Council

Metal Box Clapton Closure

On August 10,Metal Box management announced that they will close their Clapton plant on November 23.

In the months preceding this announcement anxiety and fears for their jobs had spread among the workforce. Local MP Ernie Roberts and Hackney Council approached the Company more than once in attempts to find out what was going on, and to get assurances that jobs were safe at Clapton.

But Metal Box refused to give any assurances about the future of the plant. They said that
‘’Clapton is unprofitable and we are reviewing the citation on a monthly basis.’’

Metal Box is the largest private sector manufacturing employer in the borough. If Metal Box closes in Clapton-that’s 350 more people joining the 19,000 already unemployed in the Borough. What chance will they have of getting another job?

And half of Hackney’s young people are unemployed. Closing down Metal Box won’t do much to help them.

On top of that - if the plant closes, an estimated 200 more people will lose their jobs, as local shops loses business…

After all - How much is redundancy pay really worth? When you’ve not got much chance of getting another job for at least a year… maybe much longer, then pay soon goes in day to day living. Redundancy pay affects social security rights too.
And half of Hackney’s young people are unemployed. Closing down Metal Box won’t do much to help them.

Hackney Council, the GLC and your local MPs Ernie Roberts and Brian Sedgemore are doing all they can to stop this closure. Closure can mean only one thing-higher unemployment and further worsening of conditions for everyone living, working-or trying to find jobs-in Hackney and the other boroughs in East London. We are on the receiving end of wealthy multi-national companies like Metal Box playing around with our lives.

The closure of Metal Box, Clapton, would be a disaster for the whole community. If you want to help stop the closure join the campaign.

Information,leaflets and posters can be obtained from:
The Metal Box Campaign
Economic Development Unit
1/11 Hoxton Street
N1 4NL

You can drop your envelope into any Hackney Council housing office of Town Hall)