Anti-fascist leaflet : Working for Anti fascist Unity
Production date
Object number
Physical Description
White paper, single sheet, black print. Produced by the Unity Group, Kingsland Rd, E8. Gives details of meeting campaigning for unity amongst anti fascist groups in Hackney. 210 x 296mm.
Associated Organisation
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On display?
Working For Anti-Fascist
If the history of Anti-Fascist struggle teaches one thing, it is the crucial importance of working
class unity against fascism. In 1933, sectarian divisions between German Anti-Fascists allowed
Hitler to walk into the power virtually unopposed. Similarly in the Spanish Civil War a few years later,
Franco’s victory was made possible partly by the divisions which split the Republican movement.
These and other such lessons leave us a clear and unambiguous message. When fascism
begins to win mass support, it can only be stopped if all anti-fascists are able to put aside their
differences and unite for this specific task.
With this in mind, one can only view the current state of the anti-fascist movement in
this country with some dismay, for it anything but united. Currently there exist at
least three national organisations. All initiate their own separate anti-fascist activities
and give little or no support to the others. Such a situation is as serious as it is
absurd. Contained within it are the seeds of past disasters. This leaflet is not about
who is to blame - right now, we need to call for one movement, which can unite all
those who wish to oppose the rise of fascism, on a principled and democratic basis.
This leaflet has been produced by a grouping of anti-fascist activists - individuals and
members of groups - who have come together for this task. We are not claiming to be
the organisation that is needed, rather we are working together to see the united
movement established. We will continue to support all genuine anti-fascist activities,
regardless of which group has initiated them, whilst at the same time continuing to
agitate for the building of a genuine united movement. We invite all anti-fascists who
agree with this aim, to contact us and assist us in this task.
All of us claim to be in agreement of fascism: we are all against it. But, clearly, the
united, democratic, anti-fascist movement won’t happen overnight. In the meantime,
in every town, every time there is a major fascist march or rally, an ad-hoc committee
should be set up in order to plan tactics and organise opposition on the day. Joint
stewards’ groups should be set up, not only to make sure our side is well organised
and defended, but also to try and make sure that fascist events do not go ahead.
The sooner we organise together, the better. If you are in a group such as ARA, ANL,
YRE, or AFA, urge them to unite now in action with all other anti-fascists and smash
fascism - wherever it rears its ugly face
Contact: Unity Group at Box 24, 136 Kingsland High St, London E8.
Unity in the
Fight Against
Racism and
Fascism in
* Halkevi Representative
* Hackney Anti-Fascist Collective
* Anti-Nazi League
* Kingsway College Students Union
* Hackney Community Defence Association
* Campaign Against Police Attacks
* Jewish Socialist Group
* Kurdistan Solidarity Committee
Sunday June 20th 5pm
Halkevi Community Centre,
92-100 Stoke Newington High Street, London N16
Details from H.A.F.C., Box 24, 136 Kingsland High Street, London E8
The meeting will be in Turkish and English
If the history of Anti-Fascist struggle teaches one thing, it is the crucial importance of working
class unity against fascism. In 1933, sectarian divisions between German Anti-Fascists allowed
Hitler to walk into the power virtually unopposed. Similarly in the Spanish Civil War a few years later,
Franco’s victory was made possible partly by the divisions which split the Republican movement.
These and other such lessons leave us a clear and unambiguous message. When fascism
begins to win mass support, it can only be stopped if all anti-fascists are able to put aside their
differences and unite for this specific task.
With this in mind, one can only view the current state of the anti-fascist movement in
this country with some dismay, for it anything but united. Currently there exist at
least three national organisations. All initiate their own separate anti-fascist activities
and give little or no support to the others. Such a situation is as serious as it is
absurd. Contained within it are the seeds of past disasters. This leaflet is not about
who is to blame - right now, we need to call for one movement, which can unite all
those who wish to oppose the rise of fascism, on a principled and democratic basis.
This leaflet has been produced by a grouping of anti-fascist activists - individuals and
members of groups - who have come together for this task. We are not claiming to be
the organisation that is needed, rather we are working together to see the united
movement established. We will continue to support all genuine anti-fascist activities,
regardless of which group has initiated them, whilst at the same time continuing to
agitate for the building of a genuine united movement. We invite all anti-fascists who
agree with this aim, to contact us and assist us in this task.
All of us claim to be in agreement of fascism: we are all against it. But, clearly, the
united, democratic, anti-fascist movement won’t happen overnight. In the meantime,
in every town, every time there is a major fascist march or rally, an ad-hoc committee
should be set up in order to plan tactics and organise opposition on the day. Joint
stewards’ groups should be set up, not only to make sure our side is well organised
and defended, but also to try and make sure that fascist events do not go ahead.
The sooner we organise together, the better. If you are in a group such as ARA, ANL,
YRE, or AFA, urge them to unite now in action with all other anti-fascists and smash
fascism - wherever it rears its ugly face
Contact: Unity Group at Box 24, 136 Kingsland High St, London E8.
Unity in the
Fight Against
Racism and
Fascism in
* Halkevi Representative
* Hackney Anti-Fascist Collective
* Anti-Nazi League
* Kingsway College Students Union
* Hackney Community Defence Association
* Campaign Against Police Attacks
* Jewish Socialist Group
* Kurdistan Solidarity Committee
Sunday June 20th 5pm
Halkevi Community Centre,
92-100 Stoke Newington High Street, London N16
Details from H.A.F.C., Box 24, 136 Kingsland High Street, London E8
The meeting will be in Turkish and English