Home Demonstrate at the London Apprentice

Demonstrate at the London Apprentice



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Physical Description

Poster for a demonstration outside the London Apprentice, a gay pub on Old Street in Hackney.

Object history

The demonstration was organised by the Lesbian and Gay Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (LGCARF) and supported by celebrity drag queen Lily Savage. The LGCARF believed that door staff at the pub were overly tolerant of customers wearing fascist symbols who had allegedly harassed and assaulted gay customers. The demonstration aimed to change policy at the pub to prevent further homophobic incidents happening.

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height (Whole): 211mm
width (whole): 148mm

On display?



LGCARF Lesbian & Gay Campaign Against Racists and Fascists. DEMONSTRATIONS AT THE LONDON APPRENTICE! The recent attack on a black gay man inside the London Apprentice (reported in Capital Gay) is the latest in a long line of racist incidents in the club. We have seen customers entering the L.A. with fascist badges and regalia, sporting swastika tattoos and racist T-shirts - without any action from the management or door staff. And now, Nazis from Combat 18 have been seen hanging around outside the club, harassing and attacking customers as they go home. THe fascists don't want a gay bar in Old Street, and if there is to be one they want it to be male only/white only, where they could recruit people and promote their sick and murderous ideas. How can we fight these thugs, who pose a threat to our lives, if we do nothing about the racism within our own clubs and community? And how can we overcome the discrimination and prejudice in society when we have gay clubs, like the L.A., which operate a total ban on women? We need a show of strength to change this. We need to show the management of the L.A., the racist customers who have been attacking black people within the club, and the Nazis haning around on the nearby streets, that we will stand united against these cowardly attacks on, and discrimination against, lesbians and gay men, black people and women. The Lesbian and Gay Campaing Against Racism and Fascism (LGCARF) has called this demonstration with the full support of Youth Against Racism in Europe (YRE) who oranised the massive march on the Nazi BNP headquarters in South London on May 8th. Drag Queen, Lilly Savage, has sent a message of support urging all lesbians and gay men to attend the demonstration and demand an end to the L.A.'s ban on women and their tolerance of racists and people wearing fascist regalia in their bar. She said that with the rise of fascism across Europe, it was vital that everybody stood up and came on the demonstration. We hope you will join the demonstration and demand the L.A. change its policy. If it doesn't we will come back with an even larger protest until something is done. We also must organise effective community defence against fascist, racist, anti-gay and sexist violent attacks. If the Nazis think that they can drive us out of our clubs and off our streets by terrorising our community we will teach them a lesson they will never forget! STOP RACISM AT THE L.A.! END THE BAN ON WOMEN NOW! DRIVE FASCISTS OFF OUR STREETS AND OUR OF OUR CLUBS! ORGANISE COMMUNITY DEFENCE! DEMONSTRATE SATURDAY JULY 3 10PM SHARP - 11.30PM OUTSIDE THE LONDON APPRENTICE, 333 OLD STREET, LONDON EC1 (TUBE: OLD STREET) Contact: LGCARF PO Box 30 London SE15 5EP.