Vaccination notice
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Letter giving notice of a public vaccinator's visit to Mrs. Smith's daughter, Jane Marie Smith, with the intention of administering a vaccination of "glycinerated calf lymph, or such other lymph as may be issued by the Minister of Health". After the 1898 Vaccination Act, calf lymph was the standard vaccination in the UK for smallpox. To make calf lymph, white blood cells were removed from calves infected with smallpox. Before this, human lymph was most often used, but carried the risk of transferring other diseases. To administer the vaccine, the child's arm was cleaned before lymph was sprayed on and then scratched underneath the surface of the skin with a needle or other sharp point.
Associated Place
height (Whole): 200mm
width (whole): 148mm
width (whole): 148mm
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Notice. The vaccination acts, 1867 to 1989. Form 1. Notice from public vaccinator to parent, or other person having custody of child, of intended visit. To (1): Mrs. Smith. 1. Name and address of parent or other person having custody of the child. In accordance with Section 1 (3) of the vaccination act 1898, I hereby give you notice that I shall visit the home of the child Jean Marie Smith on Wednesday July 23rd around 3pm and shall offer to vaccinate it with glycinerated calf lymph, or such other lymph as may be issued by the Minister of Health. Dated this 21st day of July 1930. Signed Montague Smith, public vaccinator of the N.Hackney district of the...union. Address of public vaccinator 10 Livinghall Road, E.5.