Home Shop business card

Shop business card



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Physical Description

Small pink/purple paper business card, photos of different fabrics and shop front. Purple lettering.

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Exhibition Label

Gye Nyame Fabric

The symbol on this fabric means ‘nothing but God’ in the Adinkra tradition of the Akan people of Ghana. Adinkra symbols were originally printed on cloth worn by royals during important ceremonies like funerals and religious festivals. They are now used in many different ways.

Clothes with the Gye Nyame symbol are traditionally worn at funerals or by older people. This fabric is from Afrique Fabrics on Kingsland High Street, Dalston, one of many textile and tailoring shops in Hackney catering for African heritage communities.

Being African in Hackney: 1960s-2020s
14 September 2021 to 14 February 2022

On display?



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