B/w photograph of Mrs Syon with children
Production date
01/01/2003 - 31/12/2003
Object number
Physical Description
Victorian photograph of Mrs Syon with children from the Eason Collection
Associated Person
Eason, Arthur Ephraim (Photographer)
Width (Whole): 30cm
height (whole): 40cm
height (whole): 40cm
Exhibition Label
Although Syon is the name etched on this photograph, the woman's apron and cap suggest that she is actually a family servant.
The baby's long embroidered robe is typical of its time. Babies wore these long dresses from birth and they were only "shortened" from the age of six months.
Some studios charged higher rates for photographing babies and children as it was so difficult to keep them still. Others banished mothers from the studio on the basis that they were likely to "interfere". Nurses could be retained as they were "conditioned to taking orders".
The baby's long embroidered robe is typical of its time. Babies wore these long dresses from birth and they were only "shortened" from the age of six months.
Some studios charged higher rates for photographing babies and children as it was so difficult to keep them still. Others banished mothers from the studio on the basis that they were likely to "interfere". Nurses could be retained as they were "conditioned to taking orders".
Credit line
Copyright held by Bridgit Anderson and Jim Four
On display?