B/w photograph of unnamed woman, baby and dog
Production date
01/01/2003 - 31/12/2003
Object number
Physical Description
Victorian photograph of unnamed woman, baby and dog, from the Eason Collection
Associated Person
Eason, Arthur Ephraim (Photographer)
Width (Whole): 30cm
height (whole): 40cm
height (whole): 40cm
Exhibition Label
Eason did not etch the names of the sitters on this photograph but it shows the Victorians' fondness for including their pets in their portraits.
Dogs and horses were often included as symbols of possession and status.
Their active nature could make them difficult to photograph and some photographers would tie a string to the end of a dog's tail to stop it from wagging.
In this photograph Eason uses food in an attempt to get the drooling dog to sit still. This strategy backfires as his hand gets caught in the image.
Dogs and horses were often included as symbols of possession and status.
Their active nature could make them difficult to photograph and some photographers would tie a string to the end of a dog's tail to stop it from wagging.
In this photograph Eason uses food in an attempt to get the drooling dog to sit still. This strategy backfires as his hand gets caught in the image.
Credit line
Copyright held by Bridgit Anderson and Jim Four
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