A Solemn Covenant
Production date
31st December 1916
Object number
Physical Description
A Solemn Covenant 31st December 1916
Associated Organisation
Clapton Park Congregational Church (Featured)
Width (Whole): 164mm
Height (Whole): 105mm
Height (Whole): 105mm
On display?
A Solemn Covenant
Made by the Members of the Clapton Park Congregational Church at the Communion Service on Sunday Evening, December 31st, 1916…
Deeply conscious of our unworthiness to bear the name of Christ, yet earnestly desiring to continue so to do, and humbly but confidently relying on His gracious help, we do, hereby, at the Table of our Lord, on this the last night of the year 1916, remembering His dying love, and experiencing His gracious presence, renew our Covenant of love and loyalty with Him, of fellowship and helpfulness with one another, and our pledge to do all that in us lies, to spread the Gospel and extend His Kingdom in this neighbourhood & throughout the world.
Made by the Members of the Clapton Park Congregational Church at the Communion Service on Sunday Evening, December 31st, 1916…
Deeply conscious of our unworthiness to bear the name of Christ, yet earnestly desiring to continue so to do, and humbly but confidently relying on His gracious help, we do, hereby, at the Table of our Lord, on this the last night of the year 1916, remembering His dying love, and experiencing His gracious presence, renew our Covenant of love and loyalty with Him, of fellowship and helpfulness with one another, and our pledge to do all that in us lies, to spread the Gospel and extend His Kingdom in this neighbourhood & throughout the world.