Home Commemorative T shirt

Commemorative T shirt


T shirt

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Physical Description

T shirt commemorating Hackney gaining three stars for the Direction of Travel Assessment in the Comprehensive Performance Assessment inspection of 2007/8. See the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter, March 2008. Made by the Hackney Communications team.




Length: 740mm
Width: 873mm

On display?



Direction of Travel Assessment
Hackney Council is improving strongly. Hackney has a record of improvement in its priority areas and in contributing effectively to wider community outcomes. Performance indicators for the last year show one of the highest rates of service improvement in London and a top quartile improvement nationally... The Council has improved its housing services, recycling rates and the time to process benefit claims. Hackney has also scored well in recent assessments of children's services and adult social care and has improved its overall resident satisfaction ratings. The way the council uses its resources has improved in the last year. Hackney has strong and effective management and provides good community leadership which is continuing to improve civic pride. Hackney has the capacity to deliver its robust plans for further improvement. It has a good understanding of where it needs to improve further and the appropriate actions required. There are no weaknesses or failures in corporate governance that would prevent improvement being sustained.
Audit Commission 2008