Home Handbill: Stop the cuts in education

Handbill: Stop the cuts in education


flyer (X)

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Physical Description

Handbill printed on both sides with big red and black lettering. The flyer is framed with a dotted line and the well-recognisable symbol of the function cut (scissor) crossed by a red interdiction sign.

The flyer advertises a meeting about the cuts in education for the schools of Hackney led by representatives of NUT (National Union of Teachers), the Deputy Mayor of Hackney Anntoinette Bramble and the Head Teacher of Urswick School Richard Brown.




Height: 211mm
Width: 156mm

On display?




Open meeting for parents, teachers and the local community. Everyone is welcome.
Defend Hackney schools, stop the cuts in education.
Tuesday 7 February, 5.30 pm. The Urswick School, Paragon Road, Hackney E9 6NR
Kevin Courtney, General Secretary NUT
Anntoinette Bramble, Deputy Mayor Hackney
Richard Brown, head Teachers The Urswick School and Chair of Hackney Schools’ Forum
Dave Davis, Joint Secretary Hackney NUT
Plus a local parent campaigner.


The cuts will be devasting for hackney schools
£23.329.088 budget cut, £825.06 cut per child, equivalent to 626 teacher job cuts or…1200 support staff job cuts.
Already we are seeing the following across the country:
Cuts to intervention posts,
cuts to support staff,
cuts to extra-curricula activities,
increased charging for music lessons etc.,
lack of founding for resources,
increased class sizes,
narrowing of the curriculum
and this is just the beginning of the cuts