Home Front Room: Mrs Brown, Rowan and Chante

Front Room: Mrs Brown, Rowan and Chante


Framed photograph

Production date


Object number


Physical Description

Colour portrait of family. Grandmother is in an armchair with two grandchildren behind her.

Associated Person

Heather McDonough (Photographer)



Exhibition Label

At Home in Hackney exhibition, 2023:

Front Room, 2003/4
Heather McDonough

Cecilia Road is in the heart of Dalston. One resident, Heather Mcdonough photographed her family on a trip to the USA in 2001. On her return she was inspired to create an extension of a family album using her neighbours on Cecelia Road as the subjects.

Using her wooden plate camera, made in 1894, Heather took the photographs in cramped conditions. The rooms were small with low light. The result captures the life and relationships in the family groups down one road.

Credit line

© Heather McDonough

On display?

Missing image