Home 'Better active today than radioactive tomorrow' badge

'Better active today than radioactive tomorrow' badge



Production date


Object number


Physical Description

Rectangular metal badge with rounded corners. The design comprises a white background with blue and red text reading 'Better active now that radioactive tomorrow'.

Object history

The slogan 'Better active today than radioactive tomorrow' has been used transnationally across West Europe -but also Australia and the US- by the early anti-nuclear movements throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The motto claims a shared understanding of the threats that nuclear waste and technologies represented for citizens' health, as well as constituting a unifying thread that led communities all over the world to gather in protest for the anti-nuclear cause.

This badge, which features the popular slogan, was produced by/for GLC (Greater London Council) in the early 1980s. The badge shows how GLC was opposed to the official Thatcher's government views on nuclear weapons and their storage on UK territory, and refused to collaborate with the government's nuclear defence strategy.

Instead, in 1982, GLC declared London a 'Nuclear-free Zone' and during the following year, known as 'GLC Peace Year 1983', the Council organised a series of cultural initiatives, such as rallies, concerts, murals, art commissions, documentary films and photography exhibitions, to promote values of peace and international cooperation, and support the world-wide anti-nuclear campaign.

Associated Organisation

Greater London Council (Produced for)

Associated Place




Height (Height): 4.4cm
Width (Width): 7cm

On display?



Better active now that radioactive tomorrow
Working for London and Peace